
Loving the Water Park

 We joined Jackson (again :)) and his family at the indoor water park. I tried to book the same place for Emma's birthday party, but they were already booked full during our open dates.  Guess there's not much to do in ND in the middle of winter!  Hopefully we will have better luck next year.  Anyway--Emma had a blast and is starting her lifeguard only swim lessons January 2nd! No more mommy or daddy in the water for this big girl!


A bumblebee and a pirate

 Halloween was so fun this year. Emma was sweet as all can be in her bumblee-bee costume!  We met up with her buddy, Jackson at the Pakatana's Annual Halloween Carnival--and had a blast!


SIOUX Football

Emma and I enjoyed a Sioux football game earlier this fall!  She even chanted "Go Sioux" a little!


Fun at the Park

 Emma loves to play at the park! This enclosed tunnel was her favorite when we were at the park in Alexandria!  These photos are from October also. We have to wear coats now!! :)


Emma's first Dance Performance!

 It could be debated whether or not Emma's first performance was a success :)!  Pros--she didn't cry; her face didn't turn red like her mom's would have; she didn't fall or trip!  Cons--she barely moved the entire time as she as in awe of the people that filled the stands!  Even with that, we are so proud of her and can't wait to watch her and her friends perform again!

Emma's on the left


Sorry, it's been awhile!

 Elliot bought me a new camera for my birthday in September.  I have taken tons of pictures, but surprisingly--I haven't posted anything! 

Here's to the start of a new year---a new year where I plan to post one time a week!  Someone please call me out if I don't!!  I like friendly reminders!

Here's a little peak of the fast burst option my new camera has--it's way cool!

 These photos were taken at the hotel pool at Elliot's friend Casey's wedding in October.