
Loving the Water Park

 We joined Jackson (again :)) and his family at the indoor water park. I tried to book the same place for Emma's birthday party, but they were already booked full during our open dates.  Guess there's not much to do in ND in the middle of winter!  Hopefully we will have better luck next year.  Anyway--Emma had a blast and is starting her lifeguard only swim lessons January 2nd! No more mommy or daddy in the water for this big girl!


A bumblebee and a pirate

 Halloween was so fun this year. Emma was sweet as all can be in her bumblee-bee costume!  We met up with her buddy, Jackson at the Pakatana's Annual Halloween Carnival--and had a blast!


SIOUX Football

Emma and I enjoyed a Sioux football game earlier this fall!  She even chanted "Go Sioux" a little!


Fun at the Park

 Emma loves to play at the park! This enclosed tunnel was her favorite when we were at the park in Alexandria!  These photos are from October also. We have to wear coats now!! :)


Emma's first Dance Performance!

 It could be debated whether or not Emma's first performance was a success :)!  Pros--she didn't cry; her face didn't turn red like her mom's would have; she didn't fall or trip!  Cons--she barely moved the entire time as she as in awe of the people that filled the stands!  Even with that, we are so proud of her and can't wait to watch her and her friends perform again!

Emma's on the left


Sorry, it's been awhile!

 Elliot bought me a new camera for my birthday in September.  I have taken tons of pictures, but surprisingly--I haven't posted anything! 

Here's to the start of a new year---a new year where I plan to post one time a week!  Someone please call me out if I don't!!  I like friendly reminders!

Here's a little peak of the fast burst option my new camera has--it's way cool!

 These photos were taken at the hotel pool at Elliot's friend Casey's wedding in October.


Lake Union Park

The girls had so much fun after the wooden boat ride in the green space along the waterfront!


Center for the Wooden Boats-Sailboat Ride

On Sunday afternoon Kari, Ryan, Mary, David, Jenn, Sonja, Emma and I went on a sailboat ride on Lake Union.  We were able to see water boats land on the water as well as the beautiful views of the city of Seattle!  The girls had so much fun and loved pointing out the different color boats, buildings and birds.

I love this photo because it shows the space needle on the far left as well as many of the buildings on Queen Anne hill near Kari and Ryan's home. 


Auntie Jenner's Park

On Sunday morning before church, we ran across the street from Auntie Jenn's house to the park at the school that is located there! Sonja and Emma had such a fun time! Here were a couple of my favorite shots!


We made it to SEATTLE!!

We made it to Seattle on Saturday evening, just in time for Auntie Kari and Auntie Jenn to finish their 8K (5 mile run) for SeaFair weekend.


Silverton, OR trip to the cabin

On Saturday morning, we drove south to Silver Falls, OR to visit Great-Grandpa Ervin's cabin and woods. While we were there, we hiked through the brush back to the cabin that he stayed in as a young boy. Although we brought a key, it was not the right one, so we were unable to go inside. When we peaked in through the front door, it was like a trip back in time, with a blanket still laying over the back of the couch as well as a rug on the floor. It was so fun to see my great-grandpa take this trip back in time as well.
 (above) The cabin my grandpa spent time in as a boy. To get there, we drove through winding roads with tall, tall trees on both sides.
The Fox tails that were growing wild all over the wooded property. They were so beautiful.

Emma holding her wild flowers that she picked along the trail (below).

Smelling the flowers :)

Giggling about something.

Being silly when grandma asked her to smile.

Emma walking through the trails with her great-grandpa Ervin. The sun was shining so perfectly! It was so neat.

Searching for pinecones "One for me, and one for Sonja." The two that she chose made it back to Seattle. She was able to give one to Sonja and keep one for herself.  Sonja wasn't as interested in them as Emma was, but it was sweet for her to share the gift.