
Emma Eating

Emma has been enjoying the freedom of eating independently. Here is a blurb of one of her most recent attempts at eating applesauce from a cup with a spoon.


Yesterday, Emma had her 15 month Dr. appointment/checkup.
Amidst the sirens of the police cars escorting long semi trucks full of sandbags to the south part of Fargo, we made it and it was a successful appointment.
Emma is hitting all of the expected benchmarks for the 'average' 15 month old.
She is a whopping 30 1/2 inches long--51st percentile.
She weighs 22 lbs 12 oz--48th percentile.
Her head circumference is 18.5--80th percentile!

A few updates:

She walks forward and backward, climbs up the stairs, and even attempts to climb down them (we haven't quite mastered this one yet).

She officially had her first time out at day care today. She pushed a little boy (20 months old). Brigitte (our daycare provider) moved her away and told her pushing wasn't okay. A few minutes later Brigitte hears Emma and a little girl (also 20 months) fighting and sees Emma push this little one too. Brigitte moved her again back into the Kitchen where she was cooking lunch and Emma pushed the little boy pretty hard and he bumped his head on the chair....Needless to say, she was in timeout and we think she learned her lesson. She cried for about 30 seconds then waited for Brigitte to tell her she could get out of the chair. She was an angel the rest of the day.

We often catch Emma talking in what seems to be complete social mode--to her teacup or a book. She is imitating what we do and is fairly successful. The next step is for her to say more words that are actually comprehensible.

Emma follows commands really well. We can ask her to go and get almost anything and she does it. She has successfully put one sock on, she tries to put on her shoes, she helps us undress her for the bath, and gets her pajamas and a blankie from her bedroom when she's ready for bed. She even knows how to turn the shower on when the bath water is running--it scared her the first time, but now she does it intentionally.

She is still quite the eater. She goes to her high chair when she's hungry. She loves fruit-we haven't found any kind she doesn't like. We are still working on getting her more vegetables.

She loves brushing her teeth. She cries for her toothbrush and points at it when she gets out of the tub. She also strolls into the bathroom in the morning when mommy and/or daddy are brushing their teeth--asking for hers too.

Emma loves to read books. She's getting a lot better at sitting through a whole book now too. She loves to turn the pages and starts imitating reading if you get distracted and stop.

Our gate at the top of our stairs has been a lifesaver. Whenever Emma hears a noise right outside the house, she runs to the top of the stairs to greet whoever is home. She gets so excited when its daddy. She's getting used to yelling downstairs with him since he's been working so hard on the basement. We hired someone to tape/texture the walls downstairs. She's yelling daddy down there as we speak--thinking its Elliot making all of that racket!

Emma still has no care in the world for the television. She loves her Fisher Price learning house and her Fisher Price tea cup set. They have offered her hours of entertainment.

We are missing daddy as he is out fighting the flood with the North Dakota National Guard. He's on 12 hour shifts now, so we don't get to see him very much at all. Emma has been staying up a little later than normal so daddy can tuck her in at night--and she can splash him while she's in the bath.

We hope all is well with everyone. Thank you for being a part of our lives!


Emma's Favorite Basket

Here are a few pictures of Emma in our laundry basket. Like other things the can fit into, once she makes it in--she must pull everything around her inside of it.
Since this laundry basket is a little larger than the other containers she has been frequenting, it was a little bit harder to get out once she got comfortable.


Here are a few more pictures that I found of Emma in early January.


Fun in the bath

Here are a few pictures of Emma loving the bath!


Piano Girl 2

Here are a few more pictures from Emma's first piano lesson from Grandpa David...


Piano Girl

Emma was learning to play the piano a few weeks ago at Grandma Mary's and Grandpa David's in Grafton. We are trying to talk daddy in to letting us have a piano....

Here's an older video of God's blessing to us! She is growing and changing so much everyday!


Emma enjoying a basketball game. These pictures were from her favorite word 'ball' stage. This was a priceless event!

O Christmas Tree

Here are some pictures that I found on my computer from Christmas...
Just as Emma loved the light of the candle on her baptism day, she loved the lights on the Christmas tree.

Grandpa David's Classroom

A few weeks ago...or maybe a few months ago....time sure has flown, Emma was able to go up to Grandpa David's 4th grade classroom and play student for the afternoon.
Here are a few sneak peaks at what we have to look forward to in about 8 or so years! :)


Tooth Alert!

Emma now has 6 teeth! 4 across the top and the 2 middle ones on the bottom.

In the Box

We have been continually finding Emma climbing inside of things. First, it was the little people farm box back at Christmas time, then it was the canvas tote at Matt and Stacy's. Her most recent hanging out place is inside her block container. She doesn't even need our help anymore to get inside of the box. She just yells for us when there are no longer any toys within reach of her to put inside the box with her. Here are a few pics to show her having fun in the box!

**By the way, Emma and I are home sick today :(**


Emma could be the next Pepsi-Baby after a trip to Extreme Pita on Saturday!