
We just couldn't resist...

Emma is so much fun. She is getting better at sleeping through the night. She used to be up once or sometimes twice every night, but the past few days she has been sleeping right on through. We are almost ready to move her out of her bassinet and into her crib... :)


Emma might hate us for these later...

Emma is getting so big! We are enjoying every minute with her. She is full of smiles and loves talking with her daddy! She is recognizing voices and faces and loves watching the ceiling fan.



Emma had her 2 month check up today! She was quite the champ! She had 3 shots and an oral vaccine! Her weight is up to 11 pounds 4 ounces and she is 22 inches long! She still has bright blue eyes and reddish-brown hair! Her head circumference is 38.6. She is able to hold her head up when she is sitting up and when she is on her tummy! She is making mommy and daddy proud!


Bumbo and Bath

Pictures after Emma's most recent bath and of her in her BUMBO.