
Puppy chasing her tail...

Sweet Home Alabama

Sorry it is sideways. It is a must see!
Here are a few more of Emma's adventures...including the veggie picture in the yellow bib!


Sorry that it has been so long! Excuses-excuses----but we really have been pretty busy!
Emma is now over 7 1/2 months old. She has been growing and changing every day! She scoots around everywhere while she is at home and was moved from the immobile room to the mobile room at daycare a couple weeks back. We still haven't seen her truly 'crawl' but the day is sooner than we can prepare for. She rolls, slips, slides and scoots her way around! She is even pulling up on the couch, coffee table and side of the tub!

Emma loves her baths. She splashes, lays on her back and slides along the bottom of the tub on her belly. We think that she is going to be a 'natural' in the water!
I caught Emma chewing on her lotion bottle. She knows she was 'caught in the act!'

Emma is wearing mommy's old dress here! This is what I really think of icky, smelly, chalky and slimy mixed vegetables!! Note: Emma is wearing her infamous yellow bib from a few months back!

Emma really loves playing with blocks. She shakes them around in the air, smacks them together, rubs them against the carpet, and best of all...she loves to eat them! She is learning so much every day! It is such a blessing to watch her grow! We love her so much!