
Emma has recently decided that she can make whatever type of face she wants for the camera. Here are a few of the most interesting!
"It's my birthday! I do what I want.""Really?!"

"Look ma! I'm a mannequin!"

Out of the Box

Matt & Stacy came over this evening for a little get-together before we all go away to for Christmas! Emma initially enjoyed the box that her new present came in more than the present itself. Enjoy!


Emma is one year old!

Reading about Sign Language....she's learning to be a lady. The infamous dog from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Sluke. She has a love-hate relationship with him.

Caught mid-giggle. What a look, huh?

Look at me, I'm standing!!!

Still has those beautiful, big, blue eyes! We love you Emma!

Emma has had quite an eventful couple of days. She was out sick for a few days this past week and on Thursday, Auntie Jenn from Seattle arrived to spend some time with the family back in ND. Emma was lucky enough to stay home from daycarewith Auntie Jenn on Friday. Here are a few pictures from their adventure.
Emma has been working hard on walking and standing. She is standing alone without us prompting her much more frequently (with Auntie Jenn's expertise). She is also becoming very brave taking a step or 2 if we are lucky before she falls to the ground. Her legs are getting much stronger and she is moving around quite quickly. It won't be long until walking is her main mode of transportation.
Emma also had her one-year check up on Friday. She had 5 shots and one finger prick to test for lead and anemia. She was quite the champ! Here are her details from the appointment:
Height-28 3/4 (36%), Weight-19lb 14 oz (28%), and Head Circ.-45.6cm (65%). She is growing into a strong, healthy girl.


Emma is (almost) 1!!

Today we celebrated Emma's '1st' birthday with many friends and family members. Even though I got all teary eyed during the prayer and could not finish the blessing, it was a great day.

Looking back on the past year, we have so much to be thankful for. We would not be in the place we are today without all of the family and friends who surrounded us at our new house today.

Thank you:

Robin & Cheryl, for all of the great home cooked meals during weekends spent in Crookston;

Marcel & Lisa, for a place to call home for a few weeks before the apartment;

David & Mary, for coming down and watching Emma time and time again;

Jenn Steinbrink, for all the Emma-Auntie Jenn naps;

Jenn Sluke, for coming to visit your niece a bunch...I mean A LOT even though you live 20 + hours away;

Matt & Stacy, dinner, company, loyalty, conversation and friendship

Ryan & Kari, all the parenting support and prayer; and

Kayti, for watching Emma on crazy days.

There are so many more people and instances that we are thankful for and please know that your are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for everything you do supporting us in our journey in marriage and parenthood.

God bless you all!